Have you ever wanted to ask Tony Stewart a question? What about Danica Patrick or Ryan Newman? Well, this is your chance.
All you have to do is go to the Texas Motor Speedway Webs site and sign-up for the media-day question and answer session that will take place on Wednesday. You can post your questions via a special hyperlink on the site and you might just get your answer. Regardless of whether or not your question is picked, you can still watch the media-day press conference over a live feed from Texas Motor Speedway.
All you have to do is goto www.texasmotorspeedway.com and check it out. This is what you can expect.
While the drivers will field their traditional questions from the media during a 90-minute session, Texas Motor Speedway also will give fans the opportunity for some of their questions to be answered by the special guests. Beginning today, fans can post their questions for any of the drivers within our new discussion forum (hyperlink to the specific thread) and TMS will select several of the best for Gossage to ask the guests during the live webcast. For a question to be considered, fans must send in their full name and hometown, designate for who the question is for and include only one question per user.
For race fans that thought they would never have the chance to interact with a NASCAR driver, this is their opportunity. Oh yeah, if you sign up you will get $10 off on the purchase of race tickets.
The whole idea is to show-off TMS's new multimedia Web site and get fans acclimated to what is going on at the track. Remember, it's www.texasmotorspeedway.com
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